Friday, August 31, 2007

last things...

got my visa.. got my ticket.. got my accommodation..... starting to count the days......
another 2 weeks to go...
this monday will be my last day at work..
next friday will be my last day teaching my students..
argh.. stop thinking about other last things, mon.. you're making yourself depressed..! yea, okay...


anyway, i spent my friday finishing some things left at work... had a refreshing funny relaxing chat with a friend about someone who apparently has too-many significant positive things and not-too-many insignificant negative things in his life that makes girls adore him so so so very much and guys try sooo hard to find something wrong about him just so they can open all girls' eyes to show that he's not perfect.......... well, good luck, guys...

i taught english to 2 students today... they're both in the 6th grade of elementary school... they knew that i am leaving soon and after we finished our lesson, they asked me to wait... and after a few minutes,, they came by bringing a huge mading, with a big pink writing: "we will miss you, kak monica".. each of them wrote me a letter, and they stamped the letters on it.. and decorate them beautifully.... i was totally speechless..... i can hardly believe two very young girls being so thoughtful of other people...... it's the sweetest thing... thank you so much, ranti and fika.. i will definitely miss you both, too.. :)

found some very touching photos here: :) 10 years have gone by, but we will never ever forget you...

well that's it for today.. i'm gonna take a rest... diajakin jalan pagi sekeluarga besok.. :D yaay.. my first exercise in yeaaars... ok then.. i'm off.. :)

Thursday, August 23, 2007

single women....

about a week ago, i saw a magazine with a picture of 3 pretty women on the cover.. cameron diaz, jennifer aniston, and jessica simpson.. with a big fat headline: "Beautiful, Rich, Alone"

you might think the same way as i did... but after a while, i started wondering.. why do people believe that marriage guarantee a happier life? having someone sure is better than being lonely... but is being alone worse than having an unhappy marriage? for what it's worth, those beautiful, rich, single women might have happier life than married people do..

Monday, August 06, 2007

Thank you, God.... :)

man,, last week has been extremely hectic... and i mean, EXTREMELY...

worked on saturday and sunday, each for more than 12 hours in UI, continued by more than 6 hours at home... slept for less than 4 hours on saturday night (morning) and less than 1 hour on sunday morning... feeling drowsy all day long.. but thank God, everything goes unbelievable... :)

thank you, IR Lab members who had been giving the best effort for today's presentation.. I love working with you, guys... :) and to Bu Mirna, our supervisor, who hasn't only been giving us directions and guidance, but also a lot of delicious lunch, dinner and yummy snacks & cakes all weekend.. I had never worked that hard without feeling unhealthy at all before.. :)

the progress itself were full of upside down.. I'd never pushed myself that hard before.. The upside part was fun.. :) though I thought the down part was gonna get me killed or get a heart attack.. -_-'' there's nothing worst than finding some internal problem and corrupted data 3,5 hours before you had to go (and yes, you hadn't sleep at all)... it's a miracle that we managed to solve them all... thank you, God....

good news
  1. my paper about geographic information retrieval is accepted in the workshop in Portugal this November... :)
  2. got the results of my medical examination, which is also well.. thank God.
  3. i gained 1,5 kg weight.. yaay..
bad news
  1. none...
ah.. beautiful hectic weekend....... :)

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

L-Men of The Year 2007

Do people express any negative comment concerning the L-Men of The Year 2007? Or do people only do that concerning women in swimsuit in Miss Universe?