Thursday, August 23, 2007

single women....

about a week ago, i saw a magazine with a picture of 3 pretty women on the cover.. cameron diaz, jennifer aniston, and jessica simpson.. with a big fat headline: "Beautiful, Rich, Alone"

you might think the same way as i did... but after a while, i started wondering.. why do people believe that marriage guarantee a happier life? having someone sure is better than being lonely... but is being alone worse than having an unhappy marriage? for what it's worth, those beautiful, rich, single women might have happier life than married people do..


At 11:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

mon...tenang aja, yg penting jadilah diri sendiri ;) don't let people judge us.
hehe, lagipula manusiawi banget koq klo orang2 berpikir hidup married itu lebih lengkap daripada single. toh yang ngejalanin belom tentu berpikiran kaya gtu :P

~ btw jennifer simpson? bukannya jessica simpson?

At 12:05 AM , Blogger Monica said...

:)))) *rotfl* bwahahaha.. bener juga.... sip2.. udah dibenerin.. hahaha.... thank you.. :D

At 9:31 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's what single desperate guy says to single woman XD

ya mgkn sama aja dengan masuk fasilkom gag menjamin kerja yang lebih baik, tapi tetep aja kita mati2an masuk(dan keluar dari) fasilkom :P

ya namanya jg mengejar hidup yang lebih baik mon, it's a gambling thing, and some people are just to coward to take the bet...


At 4:31 PM , Blogger ojochan said...

tuuull... why??

setuju ama cecep. just be yourself. people may have their own definitions on what a "happy life" means, and yet you can have yours. :)

i can at least name 1 lecturer di kampus yg keliatan hepi2 aja ama hidupnya meskipun dia sendirian. jalan ke PS sendiri, nonton di PIM sendiri, and he seems to be enjoying his life.

At 9:48 PM , Blogger Ramot said...

"why do people believe that marriage guarantee a happier life?"

uhmmm... well cmiiw, mungkin sih karena manusia itu punya salah satu kebutuhan yang seharusnya hanya dipenuhi dengan pernikahan, that is biological (sexual) need, and the need of having your own kin (child).

well, unless you don't need it or you prefer to have it unmarried xD

"but is being alone worse than having an unhappy marriage?"

ya, tergantung, are you having an unhappy alone or not, kalo iya ya sama2 jelek xD alone doesn't mean your lonely, and marriage doesn't guarantee that you're not lonely too. jadi sama2 saja sih sebenarnya.

kesimpulannya, ya ngikut cepz... do what you like to do, that will guarantee you a happier life. (well, most of the time xD)

anyway, sepertinya gue tau nama dosen yang disebut nday.... *siapa juga yang gak tau ya xD*

At 1:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll believe it if the ones who said that were 60 years old or longer...

You knew nothing about life if you're still young and it's arrogant if you defend your opinion of life (just like what one of my friend did)

If someone old enough said "beautiful, rich, has live long enough, alone, and happy", I surely would believe her.

Whatever you choose, live it happily ever after and proud of it.

At 1:49 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

PS: Actually, I imagined someone such as Scrooge mcDuck or Charles Montgomery Burns or even Glittering Goldie



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