Monday, July 30, 2007


less than 2 months to departure... and I'm starting to have doubt on myself... am I ready?

phew... studying abroad has always been my dream since.... ever... the idea of living somewhere independently, working hard, pushing myself out of my own comfort limit, are very very challenging... and I am soo eager to experience all of them... but... like the old saying, "you never realized what you had until you lost it..".. well, i haven't lost it yet.. :P but i realize how much i will miss everything.. i'm gonna miss hanging out with my mom and sister every night, watching soccer, screaming at every attempts for goals.. debating about everything with my too-clever-brother (shoot.. i always lost..).. accompanying my sister when she's playing beautiful classical pieces with her flute.. listening to my parents singing old jadul indonesian songs in karaoke.. :)) i'm gonna miss my piano.. i'm gonna miss my unbelievably naughty dogs... and those thoughts sometimes (most of the times) just make me not wanting to go at all.. ah... it really messes up with my emotion... X( last night, i was cleaning my room, and i found a photo of myself, my brother and my sister 12-13 years ago... we were sitting on top of a car, in the garage of my old house.. my sister was just about 4 years old... my brother was 7 and i was 10.. and then i cried like a baby.... -_-'' for God's sake, i'm still in Indonesia.. and my siblings are just a few meters away.. what on earth is going on with me....? ah.. sudah gila..

still about going abroad... I have tons of things in my head right now... well mostly about the luggage, visa, and other documents required for my education.. but there is another thing that's been bugging my mind.. aduh, gimana ya bilangnya.. seeing myself now, I can proudly say that I love my family.. I can't wait to get home everyday just to meet them.. and I find spending my weekends at home with them very precious.. and I started to wonder, will I be the same person in a year or so? will I still appreciate hanging out with them, or being independent as I could possibly be, I would rather do things other than that?

these thoughts are really driving me crazy.. do you people have those too before deciding to go somewhere? or was it just me?

anyway,, congratulations to iraq for winning the asian cup.. that's one HELL of an effort... great game... beautiful goal... they deserved to win.. and the whole celebration was quite entertaining... :) senayan stadium looked majestic.. i'm so proud of my country.. :)
dan fyi people, ini pertama kali, tim yang gue belain menang!! yeaaaah.. tampaknya karma gue sudah berubah.. :))


At 6:49 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

same feeling when i leave padang 5 years ago :)

u'll get over it.. just focus on ur goals and fight for them

At 9:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have the same feeling too; being far away from family and friends, and home and places; and do I feel afraid and nervous? of course >_< but again, I've set my goal and this is my dream and my pray every day; i will succeed!

satu lagi yang jadi motivasi gw adalah temen2 yg ud mendahului dan akan pergi ke luar negeri; masak mereka bisa, gw kagak :D

semangat monik!! go after your dream!! :D

At 12:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooowww... I know you can't leave me behind, but you must chase your dream till the limit, and your mind is your limit.

*standing up, ready to leave*
*left arm was pulled back by her*
*she cried on my shoulder*

now... now... don't cry... every end is the new beginning, I promise if God permits, we're gonna together again.. :P



I know you can do it! Beat those british arse!!! harrr... harr... harr.... If you still miss us, this is the 21st century, there's Internet, phone, letter, etc.. etc... call us when you want to call :)

At 1:40 PM , Blogger Monica said...

thanks a lot, pun.. :) that's just what i need...

wow,, what a spirit.. :D semangat jugaaa!! i'm sure you can do it!

err... i'll practice my beating skill right away then.. i'll show you my improvement everytime i meet you.. *devilish grin*

At 3:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tenang aja mon, elo pasti bisa. Banyak2 doa aja. Dulu juga gw gitu, takut macam2, eh....tau2nya lancar2 aja.

Sekarang gw malah jadi sedih nih, berpisah ma temen2 gw di sini :((


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