Sunday, January 27, 2008

weekend.... :)

ohhh, the toughest week ever.....

i had 2 assignments that i had to submit yesterday... and i am awful at working in 2 assignments at once.. so i concentrated on the first one, and finally submitted it on wednesday.. so starting from wednesday evening, i worked on the other one.. and yep, it was thursday evening, and i was not even close.. so i worked, worked, and worked for the whole night.. and yes, thank God, i finished it around 10 am.. so took a shower, packed my things, and ran to the department to submit it...

i know i should've gone home and slept.. everyone told me to do that... but..... my friends are celebrating the submission at 2.. and i wanted to meet them badly.. so i went shopping instead... :D went to the city centre, looking at purses, accessories, clothes, jeans, oh, so nice.. then went there at 2, and hung out til 5.. by the time i got home, i thought, 'hmmm, if i slept now, i will wake up in the middle of the night.. that's not fun..' so i forced myself to stay awake til 11 pm.. and went to bed afterwards.....

woke up at 14.00 on the next day.. feeling completely AWFUL.. had a headache, super hungry, and not feeling well at all... i forced myself to go and meet adam for coffee in the evening.. and yes, he told me i had a fever... perfect.. :(( so i went home again, had dinner, and now gonna take some medicine and sleep (again).. so boring.. can't complain anyway without getting this response: 'bravo, mon, you should have stayed awake til next friday ...' oh, i wanna feel better soon.. sooooonnn................

something funny and kinda nice happened today though.. one of my good friends is going to scotland for holiday.. she left 2 days ago.. and i sent her an sms asking how scotland was.. but she didn't reply.. just this morning, i got a message from her.. saying 'I found this phone in the festival club last night. will put it in the hotel receptionist. Gordon' eh? had to read them all over and over again to understand.. not sleeping well made me more stupid than usual.. before I figured it out, I got a call from a stranger, who turned out to be this cell phone saver, the Gordon guy.. so he explained how he found the phone, and let me know where it is now.. I was confused, because I don't even know who she's going with, and therefore I had no idea how to tell her.. and it's impossible to wait for her to call me, because well.. her cell phone is missing... we don't memorize people's phone number anymore.. but thank God my brain is not that bad.. i figured out that she would've called home to tell them.. so i thought, how to tell them, i don't have their numbers too.. and yes, suddenly it hit me, Facebook!!! ahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha... so i spent my day exploring her friend list, and found someone with the same surname, with the detail: "Christian is Kirstine's sibling" YESSS!!! I found one.. so i sent him a message, saying what happened, and that he should tell her if she calls... and on the evening, Kirstine sent message on my facebook, saying she's received the message... :D oh, how nice.. I hope she will get her cell phone back.. :)

I just can't believe the Gordon guy.. HE called me.. from HIS cell phone.. only to say that he found a phone............... wow..... that's just awesome.... :D God bless you, stranger... :D

okay then, will go to bed.. please pray so i'll be okay tomorrow.... :)


At 6:30 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

"woke up at 14.00 on the next day."

yg itu biasa kan? =p


At 4:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds familiar... :-?

Owh yes I remember. Isn't he the police commissioner? Gotham City


At 9:24 AM , Blogger paPiRu said...

hush! iang! jgn buka rahasia org!


*kabur jg*


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