Saturday, July 12, 2008

Moving In!

11 July 2008

*males nulis lagi jadi copy paste email ke papa mama*

FIUH! Thank GOD semua pindahan berjalan dengan lancar, walaupun badan dan lengen sakit-sakit semua hari ini gara-gara narik koper 20 kg ke lantai dua pakai tangga (udah hampir nggelundung ke bawah saking ga kuatnya, tapi berhubung di rumah ga ada siapa-siapa, ga ada yang nolongin kalau aku nggelundung ke bawah sama koper, yah, nasib deh, jadi musti bertahan).. :))

Aku sedih ninggalin Opal 2. Waktu abis beres-beres, kayaknya aneh aja liat kamarku kosong dan kayak ga pernah ada yang tinggal di situ. :(

Udah sedih-sedih, keluar kamar dan ngeliat barang yang musti aku angkut ke sana. GABRUK!! mau nangis rasanya, banyak bangeeeeeeeeeet....

Wahahahahahaha.. bingung kan.. aku juga bingung, apaan aja ya tu isinya. Yang jelas ada 2 box dan 1 kantong plastik gede punya Agnes yang dia titipin ke aku, tapi lainnya punyaku semua. ... ... Hohoho.. Yang jelas kalau aku pulang bawa segitu, bisa dihadang di airport ga boleh lewat :)))

Waktu jam 2 akhirnya Adam sampai di Opal 2, karena dia mau bantuin ngangkutin barang pakai mobilnya. Dan staff di Opal 2 itu ampuuun deh. Masa mau pinjam trolley aja perlu driving license. Takut kali ya trolleynya dicolong student yang pindahan ga pakai mobil. Jadi aku pake nagih SIM nya Adam dulu cuma buat pinjem trolley. Pas udah ngasih kartu SIMnya, mereka tetep ga mau ngasih trolleynya karena katanya fotonya ga mirip. :| Duh.. Aku kirain cuma bercanda, jadi aku sengaja bilang, "No, it's really me, but my hair is now longer, maybe that's why I look different." Terus dia ngakak gitu, terus bilang, "No, we can't accept this." ....... ......... ......... ......... .......... Jadi udah keringetan ngepakin barang, pake nawar nawar dulu sama staffnya. "I'm an international student, I don't have driving license. He's gonna drive me there with all of my suitcases, that's his driving license. Oh, please, I have lots of suitcases, I'm gonna die if you don't lend me the trolley." and so on, and so on, and so on... akhirnya dia bilang, "Fine, fine, I'll let you go this time." :D Yaaay.. tapi terus kan aku inget ada barangnya Akanimo juga, jadi aku bilang, "Thanks a lot, You're so nice! Can I borrow two?" Terus staffnya tampangnya udah bete gitu.. :)) hahahahaha... kesian banget, tapi ternyata aku di sini udah mulai bisa nawar ;;) Hahahaha.. setelah berargumentasi cukup panjang, akhirnya dikasih deh 2 trolley :D Sampai atas, orang-orang udah protes gitu aku pergi lama banget.. Nyeh.. mereka tidak tahu aku berjuang cuma buat mendapatkan trolley.. X) HAHAHA *evil laugh*

Ya jadi terus kita mulai mengangkut2 dibantuin Vivian. It was raining, jadi kita kehujanan gitu karena tempat parkirnya tidak terlindungi atap. Dan saking banyak barangnya, jadi ga cukup sekali jalan. Jadi kita bolak balik 2 kali, bener-bener mau mampus. :D Hahaha,, well long story short, akhirnya semua barang nyampe juga ke Crookes. :) Tapi berhubung Adam musti kerja, jadi kelar pindahin semua barang ke dalam rumah di ground floor, dia musti siap-siap, jadi kita ditinggalin deh. :(

It's so weird. Rumah kosong. Ga ada barang. Ga ada Internet. Ga ada makanan.

Jadi aku dan Akanimo ngambil jaket, keluar hujan-hujan, ke supermarket terdekat, beli makanan, sabun cuci, pembersih kamar mandi, spons dan semua perlengkapan rumah lainnya. Di sini ada supermarket jauh lebih gede dari supermarket deket Opal 2. Tapi barang-barangnya lebih mahal semua. :( Masa beli telur biasanya di bawah 1 pounds, kemaren 1.35 pounds. Kayaknya itu supermarket buat orang kaya deh. :| Musti dipikirkan nih gimana caranya kalau belanja bulanan, kalau di situ bisa kurus aku (atau Papa yang kurus? :P).

Kelar belanja, kita mulailah memindahkan semua koper ke kamar. For the love of God, I admire myself for being able to do that by myself. Inget kan koperku yang biru itu, bagaimana 'ringannya'. Bayangin ngangkat itu di tangga yang lebarnya ... 90 cm (seriously, aku barusan ngitung pake jengkal). Jadi aku ga bisa berdiri di step yang sama sama kopernya. Jadi aku berdiri di atasnya, nungging, terus narik. Tiap satu tangga duduk dulu sambil masih narik, karena kalau enggak jatoh. Pas nungging mau narik lagi jadi mau nggelundung gitu. Tangganya banyak banget lagi. Thank goodness I live in the 1st floor. Ga kebayang kalau tinggal di attic. Mana tangganya muter lagi kalau naik ke attic. Hahahahaha..

Jadilah terus Akanimo pergi karena dia ada urusan dan aku mulai meng-unpack barang. After a few hours, I am proud to say, "This is my new room!" :D

My bed. It's DOUBLE SIZE! HOHOHOHO!! Rak yang agak reyot. Taruhan 10 pounds, 3 bulan runtuh. :))
Rak sepatu Alat-alat mempercantik diri ;) blah. :))
Rak baju. Aneh deh ga ada pintunya. Meja laptop
Photos of my loved ones View from my window
My big fat suitcase :D Window by my computer desk

What do you think, what do you think? :D Hehehehe.. I felt so awful the first time I moved in. I missed Opal so bad. And I didn't feel that this house was quite a home. Everything felt new and I knew that I have to start adapting to everything all over again. But after the whole unpacking is done, I felt soooo much better. Nothing helps more than putting photos of you guys on the wall. :)

I really like my new house now. It is really lovely. I like it that my bedroom is so big. The landlord actually made one hell of a renovation since early this month. It's so great seeing that the bathroom is completely done (the last time we came, it was a mess). The kitchen is brand new as well and freakin clean. :D Totally LOVE IT!

Bathroom Living Room
TV and weird chair We have washing machine and drier as well! :)
Kitchen And Beth gave us her plant! :)
The oven & stove Our back door :)

When I came to the house last week, seriously, the living room looks like .... no words can describe it... reruntuhan rumah kosong. :| They're redoing the wall, the floor, tools everywhere, all workers have paint in their clothes, dust everywhere. We were in complete shock when we came today and it's all done and the landlord put a huge painting that makes the room brighter. :)

The blue couch in living room is abnormal. :)) It's design for short people I think. Akanimo sat there first time, and she made this weird face. and I asked whether it's comfortable or not. She said, "Well it is, but I'm so close to the ground it's weird." :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) Oh, and we don't have dining table as well. We don't even have a coffee table. Will try to ask the landlord if he'll give us one. :D It's hard to eat on our dengkul.

Anyway, they still have some work to be done, that's why the garden is in a mess. It's full of tools and carpenter thingy.

This is our neighbour's garden. And this is ours, with transparent Monica. :)) :)) :))

By the time they finish everything, the garden should be in a beautiful condition as well. It should be sometime in next week. I can't wait. :)

One thing that bothers us is that the basement is in complete mess. Akanimo starts complaining about bacteria and whatsoever (she seriously complains a lot :P). To go to the basement, we should go to the white door beside the TV (look at the TV picture above). We were thinking of sealing it, but the fridge is right in front of the door. So we were thinking of getting the fridge out, and sealing the door. :P But unfortunately, we need to get our landlord's permission to do that. So we'll see. :)

Oh and another thing, is because the bedroom can't be locked. We can lock it from inside, kayak kunci kamar mandi gitu, tapi dari luar ga bisa. Bahkan keyhole nya pun ga ada. We're gonna talk to the landlord about it, but he's on holiday and won't be back til the 20th. Internet will be taken care of in the next 3 days. We're still deciding which service we should take, and which one provide monthly contract instead of a year contract.

So that's my summary of the whole moving in. :) I survived and I love my new house. :)


Saturday, June 07, 2008

end of semester 2

thank you, God.. I managed to finish 9 essays, posters, presentations and projects this month.. it has been frustrating as hell.. and I'm just soooo grateful that I finally submitted the last 2 this morning...

celebration is definitely coming.. will spend this weekend hanging out with friends, have a girly night, watching sex & the city and soccer!! oooh, so excited.. :)

well, not really.. no, i am excited...... just start feeling a bit lost as well.. you know, when you have millions of things to do, you can barely have time to think about yourself.. now that all the assignments are done, i start having thoughts that worry me..

'i can't believe semester 2 already passed'
'i'm gonna have to leave my friends'
'i might have to leave my annoyingly luv one'
'what am i gonna do?'
'should i find a job here?'
'in what city? where would my friends be?'
'what if i live far away? would i lose everything i have right now?'

i've always thought this month was unbelievably hard with those 9 crazy assignments.. but dealing with this thoughts.... it's so much more horrible..

it's almost the same feeling as when i left to UK.. but the thoughts were more like, 'i can't believe i won't be able to meet my family for a year.. and now... 'i can't believe i might not see my friends ever again.....

Jesus.. i still have 3 months to do my dissertation, and i'm feeling sad already thinking about leaving.. i don't wanna go.. i don't want things to change.. i like my life here.. i made many good friends whom i love truly, and without them, i wouldn't have been this happy and grateful.. we laugh, we cry, we fight, we are brutally honest with each other, i know their secrets and they know the deepest things about me more than anyone else.. they made me be a better person, a person who is more confident and independent.. :) i love every single time i spent with each one of them, and i do hope i could use the next few months to be a good friend for them too, and just be thankful for every single moment i spend with them :)


wow, i really can't have nothing to do.. i'm going stupidly melancholy and .... well, a bit crazy..

anyway :) there is good news! so when i got here last year, i joined an orientation programme for a week, right.. i had an amazing time, it was seriously one of the best moments in my life.. all of the assistants made me feel sooo welcome, that i didn't even feel homesick when i arrived.. they're so incredibly approachable, friendly, nice and caring.. i had friends who didn't join orientation because they didn't think it was worth it, and they had lots of troubles settling in, because everything was new, and they didn't know anyone, and it was so frustrating for them.. while me, i made LOTS of friends during orientation.. all lonely students, lived for 7 days in the same roof.. we helped each other, and it created amazing connection.. it was an unforgettable experience.. i realized how it could be soooo beneficial for new students, that i decided to apply to be an assistant for the orientation this year.. and guess what... after training and interview, i got the job!!! :D i literally screamed when i got the announcement.. i'm just soooo bloody happy that i have the chance to do the same, helping the new students settling in.. :) it's just AWESOME! and i'm so looking forward to it.. :)

wow... thinking about it definitely gives me a better mood :D well done, mon.. :D

~5 days have passed, 5 more to go.. Tesknie za Toba.. come back soon..... xxxxxxx

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


don't you just bloody hate when you have a bloody mood swing....?

maybe it's the weather.. it's gotta be the weather.. freaking foggy and rainy weather..

made me feel so annoyed that i blurted out sentences without filtering them, and later on feeling incredibly bad that even saying sorry a few times won't help me to feel better..

time will heal............

oh, it made me remember an article about a woman who lost his fiance a few months before she was supposed to get married.. she attended the funeral, in the same church where the wedding was supposed to be held, with the guests that were invited to the wedding.. i cried reading that article this evening, especially when she said,
"people keep telling me that time will heal.. time doesn't heal, it only numbs your body so you could get out of bed and get on with your life"


Monday, March 31, 2008

i wanna sleep.......

these past few days have been a roller coaster, full of emotion, happiness, sadness, anger, stress, loss of motivation, loss of hope, homesick, etc, etc... and everything has just affected me a lot, i'm having problems to know who i really am anymore..

everyone who has stayed with me for a few days, know that i had awful problem on waking up.. but as far as i know, i have never ever had problems in sleeping, NEVER.. i LOVE sleeping...... :P but in these past few days, i could go on rolling on my bed for 2 - 3,5 hours before falling asleep... it scared the hell out of me.. i don't know what's going on... no matter how sleepy i am, when i crawl on my bed, the sleepiness just fly away.. and there i am, lying on my back, with millions of thoughts in my mind.. it's really stressing, and no matter what i do, i couldn't sleep... :(

so here i am.. feeling sooooo tired because of sleeping at 6.30 in the morning... what's wrong with me?

anyway, things weren't all bad.. :) i'm leaving to Portugal for holiday tomorrow.. hurray..!! I can't wait.. i badly need this.. hopefully I'll have a good time there.. !


Friday, February 08, 2008

the sweetest thing...

Sunday, January 27, 2008

weekend.... :)

ohhh, the toughest week ever.....

i had 2 assignments that i had to submit yesterday... and i am awful at working in 2 assignments at once.. so i concentrated on the first one, and finally submitted it on wednesday.. so starting from wednesday evening, i worked on the other one.. and yep, it was thursday evening, and i was not even close.. so i worked, worked, and worked for the whole night.. and yes, thank God, i finished it around 10 am.. so took a shower, packed my things, and ran to the department to submit it...

i know i should've gone home and slept.. everyone told me to do that... but..... my friends are celebrating the submission at 2.. and i wanted to meet them badly.. so i went shopping instead... :D went to the city centre, looking at purses, accessories, clothes, jeans, oh, so nice.. then went there at 2, and hung out til 5.. by the time i got home, i thought, 'hmmm, if i slept now, i will wake up in the middle of the night.. that's not fun..' so i forced myself to stay awake til 11 pm.. and went to bed afterwards.....

woke up at 14.00 on the next day.. feeling completely AWFUL.. had a headache, super hungry, and not feeling well at all... i forced myself to go and meet adam for coffee in the evening.. and yes, he told me i had a fever... perfect.. :(( so i went home again, had dinner, and now gonna take some medicine and sleep (again).. so boring.. can't complain anyway without getting this response: 'bravo, mon, you should have stayed awake til next friday ...' oh, i wanna feel better soon.. sooooonnn................

something funny and kinda nice happened today though.. one of my good friends is going to scotland for holiday.. she left 2 days ago.. and i sent her an sms asking how scotland was.. but she didn't reply.. just this morning, i got a message from her.. saying 'I found this phone in the festival club last night. will put it in the hotel receptionist. Gordon' eh? had to read them all over and over again to understand.. not sleeping well made me more stupid than usual.. before I figured it out, I got a call from a stranger, who turned out to be this cell phone saver, the Gordon guy.. so he explained how he found the phone, and let me know where it is now.. I was confused, because I don't even know who she's going with, and therefore I had no idea how to tell her.. and it's impossible to wait for her to call me, because well.. her cell phone is missing... we don't memorize people's phone number anymore.. but thank God my brain is not that bad.. i figured out that she would've called home to tell them.. so i thought, how to tell them, i don't have their numbers too.. and yes, suddenly it hit me, Facebook!!! ahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha... so i spent my day exploring her friend list, and found someone with the same surname, with the detail: "Christian is Kirstine's sibling" YESSS!!! I found one.. so i sent him a message, saying what happened, and that he should tell her if she calls... and on the evening, Kirstine sent message on my facebook, saying she's received the message... :D oh, how nice.. I hope she will get her cell phone back.. :)

I just can't believe the Gordon guy.. HE called me.. from HIS cell phone.. only to say that he found a phone............... wow..... that's just awesome.... :D God bless you, stranger... :D

okay then, will go to bed.. please pray so i'll be okay tomorrow.... :)

Thursday, January 24, 2008

fly away ...

someone's teaching me to fly..

will i reach the sky, or fall down to the ground?
will i see a new world from above, or hit the rocky stones below?
will i cry a happy tear, or break down into pieces?
will i risk everything to try, or hold back and give up?