August 10, 2006
Yesterday, I got a call from the company that I applied to.. The lady told me that I had to come to take a 'psikotest'.. So I came there this morning and took the test. It took like 3 hours non-stop, and I was soooo exhausted, especially on the last test, where we're given a huge paper full of numbers to be added.. GOSH.. Just remembering it makes me wanna scream.. All the tests make me wonder, what would that mean? And there was a drawing test, too.. On that test, she asked us to draw a tree and a person.. Why?? I have absolutely no idea.. Well, anyway, it really sucked to not having any clue whether you did good or not.. :(
Anyway, on my way home, I stopped at a photo studio to take a few pictures for my graduation.. I wasn't sure whether I could wear glasses for the photos, so I took it off, because it'd work either ways. And, after they were finished, I saw my face without the glasses and I realized something's wrong... Alisku manaaa...??? Aaaaaa,,, aku emang nyadar alisku tipis banget, but thank GOD for the glasses I'm always wearing every day, it didn't really show........ until now... Aaaaaaa,,,,, sedih, sedih, sedihh.. :(( And what's even more stressing is that the picture will be pasted on my certificate, which I'll carry for the rest of my life... Huhuhuhuuhu...
Well,, that's the story of my journey today.. :P So, what should I do next..? cari penumbuh alis... atauu.... belajar makai Adobe Photoshop? *depressed*
You're such a funny.
Btw,I also wondering what were those silly tests (psikotests) mean? Could those describe our pshycological side?
Untill someday I ask this to my friend whom her friend colleges at pshycology. Those tests are really made and could discover ours. Eventough not entirely valid! :D
Like drawing trees, it represent whether you are a strong person, or weak one, or maybe flexible one, like that lah...
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